Saturday, August 31, 2013

First Week of Classes

I'm very glad it is the weekend and that it's a three day weekend at that. I value my weekends because they go by so quickly. This week has been a bit strange and stressful and I hope that things calm down next week. Here are some things that happened over the past week:

1. It was the first week of classes. It seemed like there was a lot of tension and stress going on...more than usual during opening week. There must be something in the water. Plus, things that are usually very easy to take care of seem to take extra time and effort than normal. I was hoping to start the semester out not stressed.

2. I almost took down the entire IT network at work while working on a task. It was sad, yet kind of awesome. Who has the power? Apparently I do! hahah, just kidding.

3. I have had the worst cold/allergy combo I've experienced in a while. I hate feeling like this and would prefer to never have to deal with allergies again. Being stressed and sick during opening week sucks. I hope to recover so I don't have huge coughing fits for the rest of the weekend.

4. So I started my online of the first tasks was doing an online presentation about me. I hate talking about me and when it is required to have a voice over portion while sick, I was not thrilled about this. I stayed up until about 1 a.m. working on it...I'm just hoping I didn't sound like a complete idiot.

5. I've seen my youngest brother, Kevin, more times this week than I have in the past two years. He has been using my desk area at work as a private closet for his instruments and such while he is on campus. I'm happy to see him....and yet I wonder how many times this kid is going to ask me to buy him things while he is on campus. : /

The highlights of the weekend so far:

- I get to spend time with my little boy.  I hope I can get him to work with me on potty training a little bit this weekend. We'll see how that goes.

- I got accepted into Book-In-A-Week as a new member. That means I am getting myself in gear....and I will write.  I'm excited and scared at the same time and I look forward to what is ahead.

That's all for now. : )

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