Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Random poem - created from writing prompts

So, today I decided randomly to attempt a poem via the daily writing prompts I get in my email each day. I'm not a poet, by any take this from a non-poet.

Falling off the edge
It happens in slow motion and hit the bottom with grace
Assessing the damage where battle scars are minimal
It could have been much worse
Lost a piece of me making me feel naked
It’s painfully obvious and I’m still a beautiful shade of red
Falling off the edge, but living to tell the tale.
Who knew I could get so deep about a red chipped bowl? Thanks, Writing Prompts. And on that note, I'm off to write for the evening and do homework.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Writing Therapy for the day

Ahhh! Sorry…I felt like I needed to scream a little bit. I haven’t been online as much as I would have liked lately, mostly because of being sick. I seem to have gotten that weird cold that everyone is talking about and seems to be catching. On top of that, the weather changes we are having as of late aren’t helping…making the allergy and sinus issues exponentially worse. I have this awful cough that just won’t go away. And I’m tired. So tired. I feel like I will be catching up on sleep forever. I wish I wasn’t tired all the time. I can only imagine all the stuff I could accomplish if I didn’t have to sleep. Anyway, this week I start my first challenge for BIW. I think this is probably the most fun and creative item on my to-do list for this week besides mocking out some Christmas ornaments to sell at the holiday craft fairs coming up. My goal is to finish 10 full pages of writing. I hope that I can finish my first goal…and surpass it. I think challenges like this will be exactly what I need to light a fire under me to work towards that novel or two that I’ve always wanted to write. Plus, I think it’s great practice for NaNoWriMo. I’ve even convinced the husband to join me this year.  He has already been researching on how to publish e-books. He is so adorable sometimes. : P Anyway, I just wanted to check in and I hope to have more to write about tomorrow. For now, signing off and thanks for listening to my babble for the evening.